Critical care nursing is the field of nursing with a focus on the utmost care of the critically ill or unstable patients following extensive injury, surgery or life threatening diseases. Critical care nurses can be found working in a wide variety of environments and specialties, such as general intensive care units, medical intensive care units, surgical intensive care units, trauma intensive care units, coronary care units, cardiothoracic intensive care units, burns unit, paediatrics and some trauma center emergency departments. These specialists generally take care of critically ill patients who require mechanical ventilation by way of endotracheal intubation and/or titratable vasoactive intravenous medications.
keperawatan perawatan kritis adalah bidang keperawatan dengan fokus pada hati-hati pasien sakit kritis atau tidak stabil setelah cedera yang luas, operasi atau penyakit yang mengancam kehidupan. perawat perawatan kritis dapat ditemukan bekerja di berbagai lingkungan dan spesialisasi, seperti unit umum perawatan intensif, unit perawatan intensif medis, unit perawatan intensif bedah, unit trauma perawatan intensif, unit perawatan koroner, unit perawatan intensif kardiotoraks, Unit luka bakar, pediatri dan beberapa departemen darurat trauma center. spesialis ini umumnya merawat pasien sakit kritis yang membutuhkan ventilasi mekanik dengan cara endotrakeal intubasi dan / atau titratable obat intravena vasoaktif.